Growth FAQ - Planning & Zoning
What is the difference between a Type A and a Type B site plan?
A Type A site plan is 100% consistent with the Zoning Code's development standards. They require no deviations. Type A site plans are reviewed by an interdepartmental staff committee every Thursday at the Renaissance Building. The meetings are open to the public, and the agendas are posted in advance. Type B site plans, on the other hand, do include deviations. For example, a Type B site plan might include a retail building that needs to deviate the front yard setback due to extreme topography in the front yard that makes it not feasible to otherwise meet the setback. Because Type B site plans are proposing something different from the code standard, they must meet a higher level of review with an advertised public hearing before the Development Review Committee. You may file an application through the City's permit portal.
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