The four big picture steps of the development process are below.
Step 1 - Future Land Use and Zoning
Step 2 - Site Plans and Subdivisions
Step 3 - Environmental
Step 4 - Building Permit and Certificate of Occupancy
The actual development process is more involved than these steps. Think of the four steps as a broad overview of how development occurs. You'll have a chance to get into the details later using the tools on our website. The issues highlighted below are fundamental to understanding the steps of the development process.
The development process moves from broad to specific approvals.
- Step 1 is the Future Land Use Map and Zoning Map. They serve different purposes, but both identify the allowable land uses for all parcels in the City. Step 1 is when the allowable land use is decided.
- Step 2 includes either a site plan or a subdivision, which show how development will be arranged on the site and how it will meet various standards. The focus is on what's happening on the outside of a building
- Step 3 is a detailed environmental review. It sometimes occurs simultaneously with step 2. This review focuses on the protection of environmental resources and the provision of key infrastructure.
- Step 4 is the building permit, which focuses on the construction of the building.
Each step builds on the prior steps. To be effective in providing comments on a project, you need to know your concerns and get involved at the right step. For example, if you don't think a gas station should be located at a particular intersection, speaking about the project at the site plan stage may provide input on how the gas station is arranged on the site, but will not change whether the gas station is allowed on the site. That determination was made at the previous land use stage. Decisions about land use occur at step 1 with the future land use map and zoning map.